

Why Do We Give?

We have a gracious God who first blesses us with everything we need. We continue to faithfully bless his work, our community and our world with our financial resources.

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.

2 Corinthians 9:7-8


Ways To Give

Online e-transfer

Connect a bank account with as the recipient and give with a single click, anytime, anywhere.

Online e-transfer

1. Log into your bank or financial institution.

2. Navigate to Interac e-transfer SEND money.

3. Add “Markham Chinese Baptist Church” as a new recipient by inputting and confirming the email address:

4. In the message column, please put down your:

a) Name
b) Address
c) Offering Number
d) Total Offering Amount + Breakdown
[General Fund (G); Mission Fund (M); Thanksgiving: (T); Other (O)]

Ex: If your total offering amount is $100 split evenly across G, M, T, and O
List breakdown as: G25, M25, T25, O25


(1) Breakdown amounts of individual items should add up to the total

(2) If a breakdown of total offering amount is not provided, the total amount of offering will be assigned to General Fund

(3) Your bank or financial institution may charge you a fee for the e-Transfer transactions.

(4) The church’s bank account is set up with an “Auto deposit” feature. No security question or answer is required.


Set up an account to make a one time or reoccurring donation with ease. Click the button below to access the link.

PayPal Instructions

Click the link to offer via PayPal:


(1) 100% of your donated amount will go towards MCBC

(2) No service fee will be charged to you or MCBC for any donations made via PayPal

(3) You can choose to provide your personal information for church record only, or donate anonymously

(4) PayPal, not MCBC, will issue an official donation email receipt at the time of donation. MCBC will not issue any donation receipts made via PayPal.

Mail In Cheques

Cheques can be made payable to "Markham Chinese Baptist Church" and mailed to 9580 Woodbine Ave, Markham, ON, L6C 1H8

Main In Cheques Instructions

Send your offering by cheque through the mail to the church office. Please only send cheques (no cash), and specify in the cheque memo or on the back of the cheque:

a) Name
b) Phone number
c) Offering number
d) Breakdown of offering

Church Address:

Markham Chinese Baptist Church
9580 Woodbine Avenue, Markham, ON  L6C 1H8

Church Drop-Off

Drop-off hours:
Thursday 9:30am -4:30pm

See details below

Church Drop-Off

The church admin office will be open every Thursday from 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM.  Please drop off offerings into the offering box by ringing the doorbell at the west or north side entrance to access the building, as all doors of the church building be locked.

Please be reminded to wear a face mask before entering the church building and note that a face shield is not a substitute for wearing a face mask or covering.

Note: Brothers and sisters, if you would like to donate specific amounts to Mission Fund, please do so via E-Transfer or by cheque. Donations made via Paypal will have the total amount allotted to General Fund.


Donation Receipt

Download Guide


Sorry! The Donation Receipt Download function is temporarily not in service, please try again later!


1. Click the green "Get Started" button. You will be directed to the following login page.

2. Enter your email address in the email address field and click "Send Code".
3. Check your email for a security code.
4. Enter the security code into the second field and click "Login". You will be directed to the donation receipt download page.

5. Select your offering number and the year of the donation receipt you would like to download. Click "Get Receipt" to confirm.
6. Click "Download" to finish downloading your receipt.

For enquiries or assistance, please send an email to, or contact the church office (905-887-6222) during office hours.

Online e-transfer

Connect a bank account with as the recipient and give with a single click, anytime, anywhere.

Online e-transfer

1. Log into your bank or financial institution.

2. Navigate to Interac e-transfer SEND money.

3. Add “Markham Chinese Baptist Church” as a new recipient by inputting and confirming the email address:

4. In the message column, please put down your:

a) Name
b) Address
c) Offering Number
d) Total Offering Amount + Breakdown
[General Fund (G); Mission Fund (M); Thanksgiving: (T); Other (O)]

Ex: If your total offering amount is $100 split evenly across G, M, T, and O
List breakdown as: G25, M25, T25, O25


(1) Breakdown amounts of individual items should add up to the total

(2) If a breakdown of total offering amount is not provided, the total amount of offering will be assigned to General Fund

(3) Your bank or financial institution may charge you a fee for the e-Transfer transactions.

(4) The church’s bank account is set up with an “Auto deposit” feature. No security question or answer is required.


Set up an account to make a one time or reoccurring donation with ease. Click the button below to access the link.

PayPal Instructions

Click the link to offer via PayPal:


(1) 100% of your donated amount will go towards MCBC

(2) No service fee will be charged to you or MCBC for any donations made via PayPal

(3) You can choose to provide your personal information for church record only, or donate anonymously

(4) PayPal, not MCBC, will issue an official donation email receipt at the time of donation. MCBC will not issue any donation receipts made via PayPal.

Mail In Cheques

Cheques can be made payable to "Markham Chinese Baptist Church" and mailed to 9580 Woodbine Ave, Markham, ON, L6C 1H8

Main In Cheques Instructions

Send your offering by cheque through the mail to the church office. Please only send cheques (no cash), and specify in the cheque memo or on the back of the cheque:

a) Name
b) Phone number
c) Offering number
d) Breakdown of offering

Church Address:

Markham Chinese Baptist Church
9580 Woodbine Avenue, Markham, ON  L6C 1H8

Church Envelopes

Give during service using one of our offering envelops located in the back of each pew.

Church Envelopes

During Sunday service, you can use one of the white envelopes found in the back of the pews. Please fill out all of the information on the outside of the envelope and place it in the offering bag when it is passed during the offering time. 

Got Questions?

For all offering enquiries, please contact: or contact the church office at 905-887-6222 during office hours.

Contact Us



9580 Woodbine Ave
Markham, ON, L6C 1H8
(905) 887-6222
(905) 887-2496

Service Times




9:30 am

11:15 am

9:30 am

Copyright © Markham Chinese Baptist Church. All Rights Reserved.