Children's Ministry
Welcome to MCBC’s Children’s Ministry, where we explore who God is through the eyes of our children!
Our goal is to walk alongside families with children as they live out their faith in their everyday lives. We do this through a variety of programs both on Sundays and also throughout the week, and through providing families with resources that they can use at home and outside of the church.
Currently, due to COVID-19, our children’s ministry programs have been moved online. For children’s worship and to access various family resources, please join our MCBC Children’s Ministry Facebook Group. For other programs, please email Pastor Joanne or keep scrolling down for more information.
Children's Sunday School
Grade 1- 6
9:30 am-10:30 am
11:15 am-12:30 pm
Due to limited capacity, we request that you pre-register your children. Registration will be on a weekly basis. For the time being, each child will only be able to register for one session each week. We will continue to increase capacity as we are able to.
Lil Light of Mine
9:30 am-10:30 am
11:15 am-12:30 pm
Lil Light Sparks
Ages 0 - 4 years
Lil Light JK/SK
Ages 5 - 6 years
Due to limited capacity, we strongly recommend you pre-register your children. Registration will be on a weekly basis. For the time being, each child will only be able to register for one session each week. We will continue to increase capacity as we are able to.
Children's Worship Online
Grades 1 - 6
Please join our
Children's Ministry Facebook group.
Children's Sunday School
Grade 1- 6
9:30 am-10:30 am
11:15 am-12:30 pm
Online Registration will open up on Monday at 10pm and will remain open until Saturday at 8pm or until maximum capacity is reached!
Lil Light of Mine
Ages 0 - SK
9:30 am-10:30 am
11:15 am-12:30 pm
Online Registration will open up on Monday at 10pm and will remain open until Saturday at 8pm or until maximum capacity is reached!

Children and
Youth Choir
Every Sunday
1:45 pm - 3:30 pm
Handbell Ensemble
Every Friday
4:30 pm - 6 pm
Beavers: Ages 5 - 7
Cubs: Ages 8 -10
Troops: Ages 11 - 14
For registration enquiries, please contact:
Annual Activity
Summer Camp

VBC 2025 - SAVE THE DATE This year, our church's kids summer camp (VBC) will run from Aug 11-22, and will be open to children and youth finished JK to Gr 8. Registration will be for both weeks of camp. There will be no single week option. Registration details to come soon.
Welcome to VBC 2025
This year, Markham Chinese Baptist Church will have VBC for children finished JK- finished Grade 8 (as of July 2025). We will also be running our 2nd year of our LIT (leaders-in-training) program, created to train our youth (grade 7 and 8) and equip them with leadership and life skills, while giving them practical, hands-on leadership experience with our younger campers. Our theme for camp this year is NORB-E: an out-of-this-world mission to discover God's Glory.
VBC will be a TWO (2) week camp from Mon-Fri, August 11-22, 2025, from 9:00am-4:00pm, with optional before (8am-9am) and after care (4pm-6pm) for additional fees. There is no single week option. You must register for both weeks.
Camp Fee includes:
- the materials they'll need for all their camp activities,
- a camp T-shirts,
- 1 field trip (the other week will be a special in-house activity) and
- a pizza lunch each week
In addition, we also provides Before and After Childcare services, with the following charges:
Before care (8am-9am)
The cost for each week's before care is $25, or $10.00 if paying per day.
After Care (4pm-6pm)
The cost for each week's after care is $50, or $15.00 if paying per day.
The registration dates are as follows:
Non-church families: Registration opens on Sun, Feb 2, 2025
MCBC families: Registration opens on Sun, Feb 16, 2025
Families from other churches: Registration opens on Sun, Mar 2, 2025
JK - Grade 6
- Sunday, Feb 11 - for non-church families
- Sunday, Feb 25 - for MCBC families
- Monday, March 11 - for other church's families
Grade 7-8 (LIT)
- Sunday, Feb 11 - for youth from MCBC
- Monday, March 11 - for youth from other churches
Limited spots are available; registration will be closed once the quota is reached. Upon successful registration, within a week, an email will be sent out regarding camp payment.
* Please note
- If you register prior to your allotted registration date arrives, out of respect for those who waited for their allotted date, we will put your registration on hold until the day after your registration date arrives.
- Upon payment of the camp fee, your child's spot at camp will be secured.
- If you choose to withdraw your application prior to camp but after payment or require any other refunds, we will provide you with a refund, but a $30 admin fee will apply.
- There will be no refunds after May 31, 2024.
VBC Hiring and Recruitment
We're looking for adults and youth (finished Gr 9+) with a passion for Jesus and sharing his love with kids! For more information or to apply, please click on the job descriptions below.
For questions and inquiries, please contact Pastor Joanne at
VBC is full.
Thank you for all who registered.
Looking forward to seeing you at camp!
Thank you for joining us for Summer 2023. Stay tuned for next year!
VBC Registration is Open
VBC is full and we're in the process of sending out confirmation emails for those who registered.
Looking forward to seeing you at camp!
News and Events

VBC Registration is Open!
This year, our church will have VBC for children finished JK- finished Grade 8 (as of July 2025). We will also be running our 2nd year of our LIT (leaders-in-training)
VBC Registration is Open!
This year, our church will have VBC for children finished JK- finished Grade 8 (as
Read MoreMCBC Kids
What to Expect
Family Resources

Join Our Facebook Group!
We want to equip families and children to live out the Gospel in their everyday lives. In our Facebook group, you will get the latest information on current and upcoming MCBC children's programs + resources that you can use at home (i.e. materials, prayer activities, media clips, etc.)
Join The Team
Got Questions?
For more information, please contact:

Children’s Pastor

Children’s Pastor