Missionary Profile

Jeffrey Wu


Africa Inland Mission (Africa)


Europe & Africa


After having successfully completed the one-year Torit Inbound Team training program with AIM and his M.Div. degree from Tyndale Seminary in Toronto, Jeffrey is returning to South Sudan (SSD) as a long-term missionary and serving as a Theological Educator. His main mission is to work with their national church partner, Africa Inland Church (AIC), and to restart this Imatong Bible School (IBS), which was destroyed during SSD’s independence war in the 90’s. He will play a key role in teaching classes, leading curriculum, and coordinating the efforts to bring more comprehensive theological resources for local pastors, missionaries, and ministry leaders, who are serving across the Eastern Equatoria region of SSD and at the surrounding refugee camps. He has and will also continue to participating in other ministries, such as the prison ministry inside the Torit State Prison, a 60-week long program for training local missionaries, called Kingdom Builders School (KBS), a local orphanage, called Hope of Torit, and a local Christian radio station, called GRACE 90.5FM.

Prayer Items:

Peace and political stability in South Sudan (SSD); famines, floods, and outbreaks; refugees fleeing from Sudan due to the military conflict in Khartoum; tribal conflict, revenge killings, and domestic violence; the UPG ministry teams living in the remote tribal areas; growth and perseverance of local churches; wisdom of ministry leaders; spiritual warfare; overall development of SSD and inflation problem; fundraising for specific, long-term projects; personal safety, spiritual formation, and physical health during the frequent travel.


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(905) 887-6222
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